Here is a list of all functions that are currently supported in SOL.
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
<boolean 1> and <boolean 2> | AND of two values | true AND false | false |
<boolean 1> or <boolean 2> | OR of two values | true OR false | true |
not <boolean> | Negation of the value | NOT false | true |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
=, !=, <, >, <=, >= | Relational comparison | 10 > 8 | true |
<value> between <value1> and <value2> | Relational comparison | '2019-01-02' between '2019-01-01' and '2019-01-03' | true |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
[n] , [n, m] , [n:] , [:m] , [-1] , [-n:-m] , [-n:] , [:-m] | Follows Python array slicing | SEQ[4].ts | 2023-04-24 11:45:09.123 |
<value> in <array> | True when the value is present in the array | 'foo' in ['bar', 'baz'] | false |
position(<tag>) | Returns index of the 1st event of a tag within a sequence | position(A) | 4 |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
<string> like '<like pattern>' | True if the string matches LIKE pattern | 'foobar' like '%ba_' | true |
("% " represents any number of characters and "_ " represents any single character) | |||
<string> similar to '<regex pattern>' | True if the regex pattern is matched in the string | 'foobar' similar to 'oo[b|c]' | true |
concat(<string>, <string>, …, <string>) | Concatenates all string arguments | concat('a', 'b', 'c') | 'abc' |
strlen(<string>) | Length of the input string | strlen('hello world') | 12 |
edit_distance(<string1>, <string2>) | Levenshtein edit distance between the two strings | edit_distance('hello', 'Jelly') | 2 |
regex_count(<string>, <pattern>) | Number of times the regex appears in the string | regex_count('code line', 'e') | 2 |
regex_substr(<string>, <pattern>) | Extracts the first substring that matches the pattern | regex_substr('ABC123', '[A-Z][0-9]') | C1 |
regex_replace(<string>, <pattern>, <replacement>) | Replaces every substring that matches the pattern | regex_replace('ABC123', '([A-Z])', 'x$1') | xAxBxCx123 |
lower(<string>) | Lowercase value of the input string | lower('Hello World') | hello world |
upper(<string>) | Uppercase value of the input string | upper('Hello World') | HELLO WORLD |
Regex patterns in Motif follow ECMA regular expression rules.
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
+, -, \*, /, ^ | Arithmetic operation | 4 + 3 | 7 |
abs(<value or array>) | Absolute value | abc(-4) | 4 |
ceiling(<value or array>) | Ceiling of the value | ceiling(4.4) | 5 |
floor(<value or array>) | Floor of the value | floor(4.4) | 4 |
log(<value or array>) | Log_10 of the value | log(100) | `2`` |
round(<value or array>) | Round number of the value | round(4.4) | 4 |
rand(<optional max>) | Random number in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 | rand() | 0.572 |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
all(<array>) | True if all elements are non-null | all(['foo', null]) | false |
any(<array>) | True if any element is non-null | any(['foo', null]) | true |
min(<array>) | The smallest argument value | min([100,70,10]) | 10 |
max(<array>) | The largest argument value | max([100,70,10]) | 100 |
avg(<array>) | The average of elements, including nulls | avg([100,70,10]) | 60 |
length(<array>) | The length of the array or tag | length([100,70,10]) | 3 |
sum(<array>) | The sum of all elements | sum([100,70,10]) | 180 |
unique(<array>) | The unique elements of the provided array | unique(['a','b','a']) | ['a','b'] |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
if(<boolean expression>, <value if true>, <value if false>) | The specific value depending if the condition is true or false | if(length(SEQ) > 20, 'long', 'short') | 'long' |
All array functions can be called directly on tag dimensions or array-type
dimensions of a single event. For example, array_position(, 'trailer_start')
will find the index of the first event with trailer_start
event name
(or null, if not found).
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
array_extract(<array>, <index>) | Extracts an item at specified index (0-based) from the array | array_extract(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1) | 'b' |
array_position(<array>, <item>) | Find the index (0-based) of the specified item in array. Returns null if the item is not found | array_position(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'b') | 1 |
array_remove(<array>, <item>) | Removes all occurrences of the item/items (can be also another array) in the array | array_remove(['a', null, 'b', null], null) | ['a',b'] |
array_to_string(<array>, <delimiter>) | Converts an array to a string by concatenating its elements with the specified delimiter | array_to_string(['a', 'b', 'c'], ',') | 'a,b,c' |
flatten(<array>) | The flattened array | flatten([[1],[2],[3]]) | [1,2,3] |
All time functions can be called directly on tags, for example, datetime(A)
which is equivalent to calling them on the .ts
event dimension -
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
duration literals | Number with the time granularity suffix. Serves as a shorthand for numbers in microseconds. Supported suffixes: us (microsecond), ms (millisecond), s (second), m or min (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), y (year). | 5.5s | 5500000 |
date(<timestamp or datetime_string>) | String in the format YYYY-MM-DD | date(SEQ[0]) | '2023-04-21' |
datepart( <datepart_value>, <timestamp or datetime_string> ) | Supports the same date parts as SQL server: year, quarter, month, month_name, day, dayofyear, week, weekday, weekday_name, hour, minute, second, millisecond | datepart(hour, SEQ[0]) | 10 |
datetime( <timestamp or datetime_string> ) | A string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.XXX . Granularity below seconds is optional depending on input. | datetime( SEQ[0].ts ) | '2023-04-21 10:40:02.817' |
duration( <tag1>, <tag2> ) | Shorthand for <tag2>[-1].s - <tag1>[0].ts | duration(SEQ[0], SEQ[4]) | '35s' |
now() | Current timestamp during query execution | now() | 2023-05-24 15:41:23.825 |
time(<timestamp or datetime_string>) | String in the format HH:MM:SS.XXX . Granularity below seconds is optional depending on input. | time(SEQ[0].ts) | '10:40:02.817' |
time_bucket( <bucket>, <timestamp or datetime_string> ) | Timestamp truncated to a specified granularity bucket: ms, s, m, h, d, w, month, q, y. | time_bucket(1q, SEQ[0]) | 2023-04-01 00:00:00.000 |
Geospatial functions operate on two types of input parameters:
- Points. Each point is a numeric array with two items. The first item describes
longitude and the second item describes latitude in WGS84 coordinates.
[-74.0, 40.7]
describes the location of New York City - Bounding boxes. A 4-element numeric array, where the first two items describe
South-West corner longitude/latitude and the two last items
describe North-East corner longitude/latitude. E.g.
[113.3, -43.6, 153.6, -10.7]
describes a bounding box for Australia.
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
geo_area(<bounding_box>) | Area of the specified bounding box in square kilometers | geo_area([10,50,11,51]) | 7865 |
geo_centroid(<bounding_box>) | Centroid point of the specified bounding box | geo_centroid([10,50,11,51]) | [10.5,50.5] |
geo_contains(<point>,<bounding_box>) | True if the point is contained within the bounding box | geo_contains([-74,40.7],[10,50,11,51]) | false |
geo_distance(<point_1>, <point_2>) | Distance between the two points in kilometers | geo_distance([-74,40.7],[0.01,51.49]) | 5580.4 |
geo_intersection(<bounding_box_1>, <bounding_box_2>) | The intersection bounding box between two specified boxes. Null if no intersection. | geo_intersection([0,0,10,10],[5,5,20,20]) | [5,5,10,10] |
geo_overlap(<bounding_box_1>, <bounding_box_2>) | Proportion of the area overlap between two bounding boxes. 1 indicates that bounding boxes are exactly the same and 0 - that they don't overlap at all. | geo_overlap([0,0,10,10],[5,5,20,20]) | 0.156 |
Operation | Logic | Example | Output |
coalesce(<value 1>, <value 2>, …) | The first non-null, non-empty argument | coalesce(null, 'abc', 'foo') | abc |
cast(<value> AS <data type>) | The value casted to a specific data type: number, string, boolean, timestamp (unix epoch number in microseconds), duration (number representing interval in microseconds) | cast('123' as number) | 123 |