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Event frequency/intensity


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After sessionizing the sequences, this example counts the number of searches before the first watch_start and explores the effect on conversion.


SOL query

// Split user sequences into sessions
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Identify sessions that resulted in a watch
match start >> Choosing()* >> watch_start?
set has_watched = if(watch_start,1,0)
replace SEQ with Choosing

// Count the number of searches
match split search_page
combine num_searches = max(split_index)

Key steps

  1. Consolidate all events ahead of the first watch_start
match start >> * >> watch_start?
  1. Add a tag to the events preceding the first watch_start
match start >> Choosing()* >> watch_start?
  1. Create a dimension that indicates whether or not the user performed watch_start, then delete all events after and including the first watch_start.
set has_watched = if(watch_start,1,0)
replace SEQ with Choosing
  1. Split the session into a row for each search, and then recombine into sequences, adding a count of the number of searches.
match split search_page
combine num_searches = max(split_index)
  1. Plot the conversion rate to watch_start by the frequency/intensity of search behavior.
