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The match operation evaluates a match pattern on each sequence to assign tags to specific sub-sequences of events. It is analogous to matching strings of characters in regular expressions, but is more powerful due to allowing IF clause conditions and with a more user-friendly syntax.


match {<match pattern>}
{if <match condition>}

<match pattern> = <state 1> >> <state 2> >> ...
<match condition> = <condition 1> and <condition 2> and ...
<state> = {<tag name>}({<event name include/exclude list>}){<quantifier>}
<event name include list> = <event name 1>|<event name 2>|...
<event name exclude list> = ^<event name 1>,<event name 2>,...
<quantifier> uses regular expression syntax = ONE OF
* - match zero or more times
+ - match one or more times
? - match zero or one time
{n} - match exactly n times
{n,} - match at least n times
{n,m} - match from n to m times

Tag definitions

  • Each element of the match pattern - tag - consists of a tag name, event name(s) enclosed in (), and a quantifier: Tag(event)quantifier. Tags are separated by the >> symbol.
  • () brackets can contain one of the following:
    • (event) - one event name - match event with a specific name
    • () - empty - match event with any name
    • (event1 | event2 | ...) - list of included event names separated by | - match event with a name in the specified list
    • (^event1, event2, ...) - list of excluded event names prefixed by ^ and separated by , - match event with a name NOT in the specified list


Quantifiers specify a range for the number of events to match to each tag and use the same syntax as regular expressions:

  • none - exactly 1 match
  • * - zero or more matches (optional tag)
  • + - one or more matches
  • ? - zero or one match (optional tag)
  • {n} - exactly n matches
  • {n,} - n or more matches
  • {,m} - m or fewer matches (optional tag)
  • {n,m} - between n and m matches

Each tag may use at most one quantifier.


Syntax for IF clause conditions is the same as for the FILTER operation.

Tag shorthand

  • Tags in the match pattern can be left without names if they don’t need to be referenced in the if clause or later SOL operations, for example: ... >> (event)+
  • In many cases it is convenient to use match pattern shorthand by skipping (): - if tag has a name, it gets copied into the event name, for example: name+ becomes name(name)+ - if there is no tag name, () are added without an event name, for example: * becomes ()*

Special tags

  • It is possible to match to the start or end of a sequence:
    • match start >> ... - has to start the match from the 1st event in a sequence
    • match ... >> end - has to end the match on the last event in a sequence


Match a single event
match event1
Match one of several events
match Tag(event1 | event2 | event3)
Match any event except a given event
match Tag(^event1)
Match any event except several specific events
match Tag(^event1, event2, event3)
Match two consecutive events
match event1 >> event2
Match two events with zero or more events in between
match event1 >> * >> event2
Match two events with at least one event in between
match event1 >> + >> event2
Optionally match an event
match event1?
Match zero or more occurrences of an event
match event1*
Match at least one occurrence of an event
match event1+
Match two occurrences of the same event
match First(event) >> * >> Second(event)
Match an event and give the tag a custom name
match Tag1(event1)
Match two events within a certain duration of each other
match event1 >> * >> event2
if duration(event1, event2) < 5min
Match from the start of a sequence
match start >> Event()
Match from the end of a sequence
match Event() >> end
Match events at start and end of sequence
match start >> event1 >> * >> event2 >> end
Explore several events before a specific event
match Before(){,5} >> event1
Explore several events after a specific event
match event1 >> After(){,5}
Match up to N events
match Span(){,N}
Match N or more events
match Span(){N,}
Match between M and N events
match Span(){M,N}
Match several events in any order
match Span(event1 | event2 | event3){3}
if length(unique( = 3
Match the last occurrence of an event
match LastOccurrence(event) >> (^event)* >> end
Find sequences without specific events
match start >> (^event1, event2)+ >> end
Match two events without specific events in between
match event1 >> (^event3, event4)* >> event2
Explore activity before a specific event by duration
match Before()* >> event1
if duration(Before, event1) <= 1h
Explore activity after a specific event by duration
match event1 >> After()*
if duration(event1, SUFFIX[0]) > 1h
Find occurrences of a value present in an array dimension
match event1
if 'value' in event1.array_dim1