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Conversion rate by segment


View this example in Motif here.

After sessionizing the sequences, this example creates a segment of users who visited search and those that didn't and then measures conversion to watch_start.


SOL query

// Split user sequences into sessions with an hour of more in between
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Match all sessions, including search_page and watch_start as optional
match start >> * >> search_page? >> * >> watch_start?

// Add a sequence dimension indicating whether or not the user went to search
set has_searched = if(search_page, "Did Search", "Did Not Search")

Key steps

  1. Make the search_page and watch_start events optional.
match search_page? >> * >> watch_start?
  1. Add the reserved start event to make sure we’re including all sessions.
match start >> * >> search_page? >> * >> watch_start?
  1. Create a sequence dimension that stores whether or not the user performed a search.
set has_searched = if(search_page, "Did Search", "Did Not Search")
  1. Plot the conversion rate by segment.
