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Churn analysis


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This examples takes segments we created in the Behavioral Segmentation video and analyzes how they churn differently on usage in order to identify a churn gap.


SOL query

// Divide user sequences into sessions
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Add up the number of watch_end event for each user
match split watch_end
combine session_movies_watched = max(split_count)

// Recombine sessions and calculate the average movies per session
combine avg_session_movies = avg(session_movies_watched)

// Assign a user segment based on the cutoff value
set segment= if(avg_session_movies>1.5,"binge","casual")

// Add a dimension to each event with the time gap to the following event
set SEQ[:-1].time_to_next_event = SEQ[1:].ts - SEQ[:-1].ts

// Divide user sequences into sessions again
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Take the time_gap from the last value in the session and make it a dimension
set time_gap = coalesce(
if(now()-Session[-1].ts > 21d, 21d, now()-Session[-1].ts)

Key steps

  1. We do some array math to calculate the time between events and store it on the event itself
// Add a dimension to each event with the time gap to the following event
set SEQ[:-1].time_to_next_event = SEQ[1:].ts - SEQ[:-1].ts
  1. We sessionize the user sequences and assign the time_to_next_event value from the last event in the session as a dimension on the sequence, replacing nulls with 21 days (if they occurred more than 21 days ago).
// Divide user sequences into sessions again
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Take the time_gap from the last value in the session and make it a dimension
set time_gap = coalesce(
if(now()-Session[-1].ts > 21d, 21d, now()-Session[-1].ts)
  1. We plot the time gap by day, add a group-by for our segment and normalize by the population of the segment. This lets us see that users churn after about three weeks on average.
