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This section provides guides to common analysis use cases. They show how Motif can help with a wide range of practical business questions.

Use CaseDescription
ActivationCompute how long it takes users to start performing some action for the first time
AttributionCompute last-touch attribution for specific outcomes
Behavioral segmentationSegment users based on common behaviors
Churn analysisExplore durations between user sessions and identify a practical churn gap cutoff
Conversion rate by segmentMeasure conversion rates of custom user segments
Duration & sessionizationCompute durations between specific events and sessionize data based on time gaps between user activity
Event frequency/intensityCount the number of times users perform certain actions within a specified span
Experiment analysisMeasure experiment effects on custom metrics and find where user behavior diverges between experiment groups
Opportunity sizingEstimate potential impact of product optimization hypotheses
Outcome predictorsIdentify patterns of user behavior, which predict specific outcomes
RetentionMeasure a user's likelihood to return in subsequent periods
Root cause analysisIdentify a cause of a sudden change in a key metric
Weekly Active Users (WAUs)Compute number of active users per time period