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Behavioral segmentation


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This examples calculates summary metrics at the session and user level that are used to find and record two categories of user segments: binge watchers and casual watchers.


SOL query

// Split user sequences into sessions with an hour or more in between
match split Session()+
if duration(Session[-1], SUFFIX[0]) > 1h

// Count watch_ends per session by splitting, then recombining with a calculation
match split watch_end
combine session_movies_watched = max(split_count)

// Re-combine sessions into users, calculating the average watches per session
combine avg_session_movies = avg(session_movies_watched)

// Assign a dimension to the sequence called segment based on the calculated average
set segment = if(avg_session_movies > 1.5, "binge", "casual")

Key steps

  1. The watch_end event is the key behavior we’re considering, and we do a match split because we’re focused on how often that happens.
match split watch_end
  1. After splitting the session by watch_end, we recombine to get a count of movies watched in each session.
match split watch_end
combine session_movies_watched = max(split_count)
  1. Running another combine will collapse our sessions back to the user level, where we’re calculating the average number of movies watched in each session.
combine avg_session_movies = avg(session_movies_watched)
  1. We plot this value to see if there are any natural segments, and we see that there is a natural split at 1.5 between what appear to be casual watchers (less than 1.5) and binge watchers (greater than 1.5).

    behavioral segmentation

  2. We save the user’s segment as a sequence dimension, labeling their categories.

set segment = if(avg_session_movies > 1.5, "binge", "casual")